
人教版四年级下册英语Unit4《It's Warm Today》教案

发布:2022/6/26 19:17:04作者:管理员 来源:本站 浏览次数:1423

《It's Warm Today》教案(一)



学生能听、说、认读并规范书写单词sunny 、warm 、cold 、snowy及句子It’s cool. Is it cold?


能听、说、认读Read and write部分的内容。 3、情感目标:



教学重点:1.单词sunny 、warm 、cold 、snowy的读写。 2.句子:It’s cool. Is it cold?

教学难点:Is it,,,,?Yes, it is. / No, it’s not.


Step 1 Warm-up

1、Free talk between the teacher and the student s.

2、Let’ chant

Rainy, rainy, It’s rainy in London.

I have to open up the umbrella.

Windy, windy, It’s windy in Beijing.

I have to hold on my hat.

Sunny, sunny, It’s sunny in Singapore.

I have to put on my sunglasses.

Snowy, snowy, It’s snowy in Moscow.

I have to put on my boots.

Cloudy, cloudy, It’s cloudy in Sydney.

I have to take my raincoat.


Step 2 Pre-reading


(1) PPT shows the word “sunny” and ask a student to read. Then the teacher reads:sunny↗, sunny↘. Ask the Ss to write it with their fingers.(可再请学生作为小老师示范领读)What ’s the weather like in New York?It’s sunny.

What’s the weather like in Beijing?

It’s sunny.


(2) PPT shows the word “cloudy” and ask a student to read. Then the teacher reads: cloudy↗, cloudy↘.(按升降调开火车读)Ask the Ss to write it with their fingers .What ’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s cloudy.

(3)PPT shows a picture. Teacher ask Ss look at the picture and say: What’s the weather like Harbin? Lead Ss say: It’s snowy .

(4)PPT shows a picture. Teacher ask Ss look at the picture and say: What’s the weather like in Shanghai? Lead Ss say: It’s windy .

_Is__ it cool in Shanghai?

Yes, it is.

It is cool.

Read and write

It’s cool. 天气凉爽。

It is windy. It is cloudy.

It is rainy. It is cold.

Is it cool?天气凉爽吗?

Is it cold? Is it windy?

Is it cloudy? Is it rainy ?

肯定回答:Yes, it is.

否定回答:No, it isn’t.


2、Play a guessing game.

T: (教师呈现四张四会单词的卡片)Look , what’s this?(lead students say the words : sunny , warm , cold and snowy. ) Every group will have a volunteer . Teacher presents a card to you and ask you to guess what it is. If you are right, I will give your group a sticker.

Teacher presents a card to him/her and asks him/her to guess what it is. S says: Is it cold?(yes) c-o-l-d ,cold. 如果猜对了,教师引导该学生示范拼读边用手指书空,其他学生重复。

(设计意图:通过游戏,对课文的难点句型Is it ,,,,进行反复操练,使学生明白其疑问语气及其回答方式,并能熟练运用。)

3 . Game: Let’s help.

PPT shows the four word. Ask the Ss to divide them into two groups. Let the Ss to know “and”.

S1: What’s the weather like ,,,,?

S2: It’s _______ and _______.

4、 “Ah-choo, it’s snowy and cold, help, help. Who can help me?” Lead one student to

pick up a coat to you. Then say:“Thank you! Here’s your reward.”


Step 3 While-Reading

1、T: What’s the weather like today?

S: It’s warm(cool).

T: Yes, it's warm(cool). It's good for climbing. Look, they are climbing now. Let's listen

and find which picture it is talking about.(听录音后,请学生指出图片)

T:Listen again. What’s the weather like there? S: It’s cool.

PPT shows the dialogue. Ss read it after the tape.

2、Read dialogue 2, and answer the questions:

1) which picture is it talking about ?

2) What’s the weather like in the picture?

3) Listen and repeat. Read the dialogue in pair of two.

3、Which picture is missing? Can you guess what will they say?

1) Free talk.

2) PPT shows the dialogue. Ss read after the tape.

3)Practice with your partner.

Is it sunny in Beijing?

Yes, it is.

Is it snowy in Harbin?

Yes, it is.

Is it rainy in Beijing?

No, it isn’t.

It’s sunny .

Is it rainy in Urumqi?

No, it isn’t.

It’s snowy.

Is it rainy in Hong Kong?

No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy.

Is it warm in Yunnan?

Yes, it is !


Before you go outside, you should know what's the weather like there. (设计意图:对学生进行情感教育,让学生培养时刻了解天气的好习惯。)

4、Read the whole dialogue after the tape.


Step 4 After-Reading

Let’s spell the new words:sunny warm cold snowy


Read and write 读和写

What’s the weather like?



根据课本对话分角色朗读,然后进行情景表演,让学生身临其境地体验天气在生活当中的重要性。 (设计意图:分角色朗读既能让学生在大声朗读中感知语言,也能进一步理解语篇,同时也可以对学生的认读进行再检测。)

Step 5 Writing

Now, we’ll play a game. There is an envelope on your desk. Let’s open it. Oh, what a mess! Please help me ! Put them in the right order. And then write it on the paper. (写好后上台交给老师,在黑板上展示。写的又快又好的小组予以奖励)


Step 6 Summary

Good job! Let’s read them together.


Step 7 Homework

Write these words and sentences for 5 times. And read the dialogue to your parents. (设计意图:让学生在课后复习巩固这些单词及句子的书写及课文的朗读。)

Blackboard Design

Unit 4 It's Warm Today B Read and Write

warm snowy

It’s cool. Is it cold?

《It' s Warm Today》教案(二)


1、能够听、说、读本课单词warm, cold, hot, cool,weather.

2、学会运用It is cold in….了解各地的天气状况并用所学词描述。


Emphases: 掌握单词warm, cold, hot, cool, weather.



(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)

教师播放第三单元的歌曲“My clothes”,让学生一齐跟唱,复习服装类名词。

让学生将学过的服装类名词归类:Clothes for warm days / Clothes for cold days,为下面即将学习的对话进行铺垫。



1、Let’s talk 教师根据当时情况说:It’s hot/warm. Can I wear my shirt(sweater, skirt, dress,,)?

并引导学生回答:Yes,you can.或 No, you can’t. 并进行板书。


A:Can I wear my,,?

B:Yes,you can. / No, you can’t.


教师说:Mike has a new shirt. He likes it very much. Can he wear it?

播放Let’s talk部分教学录像,学生观看。


(前两幅图) Can Mike wear his new shirt?学生回答:No.


学生回答:It’s cold.

(第三幅图) Is it cold?

学生回答:No, it’s warm.

Can Mike wear his new shirt? 学生回答:Yes.

Can Mike wear his T-shirt? 学生回答: Yes.

学生看配套动画, 模仿跟读。教师对学生的语音、语调进行必要的指导。




A:It’s ,, Can I wear my,,?

B:Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.


2、 Let’s chant:

播放Let’s chant部分相关课件。



儿歌创新:MMM!It’s warm today!

Take off your ,,,,!

Phew! It’s hot today!

Put on your ,,,,!

Ooooh! It’s cool today!

Put on your ,,,,!

Brrr! It’s cold today!

Put on your ,,,,!


3、以小组的形式汇报表演,教师再次评价,适当把机会让给没表演过对话的 学生。 (三)趣味操练(Practice)

1、 教师把单词卡片:shirt、T-shirt、jacket、sweater、coat、skirt、dress、jeans、 short、pants摆在黑板上。

2、教师口令:Put on the,,,,! Take off the,,,,!

学生以小组竞赛的形式听指令做动作:听到Put on the,,,,!的指令迅速拿起 相应的卡片举在胸前;听到Take off the,,,,!的指令后立刻将卡片放回原位。动作快的为赢家。

【板书设计】 Unit 4 It’s warm today

Can I wear my,,,,? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.