发布:2023/12/7 15:20:57作者:大数据 来源:大数据 浏览次数:734
大部分微软平台的开发人员如果选择开发框架只能是在ASP.NET WEBFORM和ASP.NET MVC两个之间选择。 而Nancy是不依赖于这两个框架的独立的一个框架。它更多的是借鉴了Ruby的一些特性。
Nancy 是一个基于 .NET 和 Mono 平台用于构建轻量级基于 HTTP 的 Web 服务。Nancy 设计用于处理 DELETE
等请求方法,并提供简单优雅的 DSL 以返回响应。 官方网站 http://nancyfx.org/
更详细的介绍参见 http://blog.spinthemoose.com/2011/07/18/nancy-a-micro-web-framework-for-net/
顺便介绍个使用Nancy 做的Quartz.net的web控制台 https://quartznetwebconsole.codeplex.com/
Frictionless .NET Web App Development with Nancy
Frictionless .NET Web App Development with Nancy Part II - Introducing a View Engine
Frictionless .NET Web App Development with Nancy Part III - Introducing MongoDB
Frictionless .NET Web App Development with Nancy Part IV – Hosting
Slides from ANUG talk on Nancy
用Nancy和Simple.Data创建一个图片博客 第一部分:开始一个工程
用Nancy和Simple.Data创建一个图片博客 第二部分:定义routes
用Nancy和Simple.Data创建一个图片博客 第三部分:渲染一些Views
Integrating Nancy with protobuf-net
Build Simple Web UIs with the Nancy Framework
Nancy 是一个轻量级的,简单粗暴的framework用来构建基于HTTP的各种服务,兼容.Net和Mono。Nancy的整套设计理念是基于"super-duper-happy-path",这是一个作者杜撰的单词,个人觉得翻译过来基本就是简单粗暴,行之有效的意思。
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public class Module : NancyModule { public Module() { Get["/greet/{name}"] = x => { return string.Concat("Hello ", x.name); }; } } |
github上的例子后面跟着的是Compile, run and enjoy the simple, elegant design!
这个时候的Nancy 就如同一个刚出生的婴儿,也正因为如此,才便于我们入手。入口点当然是大家耳熟能详的IHttpHandler
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public class NancyHttpRequestHandler : IHttpHandler { public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //... } } |
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public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { var url = context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath; if (url.Contains("favicon.ico")) { return; } var request = CreateNancyRequest(context); var assembly = context.ApplicationInstance.GetType().BaseType.Assembly; var engine = new NancyEngine(new NancyModuleLocator(assembly), new RouteResolver()); var response = engine.HandleRequest(request); SetNancyResponseToHttpResponse(context, response); } |
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public void Should_set_status_code_when_implicitly_cast_from_int() { // Given, When Response response = 200; // Then response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK); } public void Should_set_status_code_when_implicitly_cast_from_http_status_code() { // Given, When Response response = HttpStatusCode.NotFound; // Then response.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } public void Should_return_contents_when_implicitly_cast_to_string() { // Given const string value = "test value"; Response response = value; // When String output = response; // Then output.ShouldEqual(value); } |
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public static implicit operator Response(HttpStatusCode statusCode) { return new Response { StatusCode = statusCode }; } public static implicit operator Response(int statusCode) { return new Response { StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)statusCode }; } public static implicit operator Response(string contents) { return new Response { Contents = contents, ContentType = "text/html", StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK }; } public static implicit operator string(Response response) { return response.Contents; } |
对于Request 的包装暂时只是占了个坑,后续版本有补充cookie的一些操作在这里。
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public interface IRequest { string Path { get; } string Verb { get; } } public class Request : IRequest { public Request(string verb, string path) { this.Path = path; this.Verb = verb; } public string Path { get; private set; } public string Verb { get; private set; } } |
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