发布:2022/10/19 16:43:44作者:管理员 来源:本站 浏览次数:680
using System.Net.Http;
public static class HttpRequestMessageExtensions
private const string HttpContext = "MS_HttpContext";
private const string RemoteEndpointMessage =
private const string OwinContext = "MS_OwinContext";
public static string GetClientIpAddress(this HttpRequestMessage request)
// Web-hosting. Needs reference to System.Web.dll
if (request.Properties.ContainsKey(HttpContext))
dynamic ctx = request.Properties[HttpContext];
if (ctx != null)
return ctx.Request.UserHostAddress;
// Self-hosting. Needs reference to System.ServiceModel.dll.
if (request.Properties.ContainsKey(RemoteEndpointMessage))
dynamic remoteEndpoint = request.Properties[RemoteEndpointMessage];
if (remoteEndpoint != null)
return remoteEndpoint.Address;
// Self-hosting using Owin. Needs reference to Microsoft.Owin.dll.
if (request.Properties.ContainsKey(OwinContext))
dynamic owinContext = request.Properties[OwinContext];
if (owinContext != null)
return owinContext.Request.RemoteIpAddress;
return null;
References required:
HttpContextWrapper - System.Web.dll
RemoteEndpointMessageProperty - System.ServiceModel.dll
OwinContext - Microsoft.Owin.dll (you will have it already if you use Owin package)
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