
使用Blazor构建web应用程序 .NET 6篇 中

发布:2022/1/13 14:36:44作者:管理员 来源:本站 浏览次数:1248


       第五节Exercise - Access data from a Blazor component (练习-从Blazor组件访问数据)

       第六节 Share data in Blazor applications(在Blazor应用程序中共享数据)

       第七节Exercise - Share data in Blazor applications(练习-在Blazor应用程序中共享数据)

使用Blazor构建web应用程序 .NET 6篇 中)


Build web applications with Blazor微软学习文档尚未更新中文,为方便小伙伴们共同学习,博主翻译了教程,并修改了原文中个别代码错误,以下教程翻译属个人行为,如有侵权,请联系博主BlazorComponent,博主会在第一时间删除教程!


使用Blazor构建web应用程序 .NET 6篇 上


第五节Exercise - Access data from a Blazor component (练习-从Blazor组件访问数据)

The current hard-coded pizzas in the app need to be replaced with a database. The Microsoft Entity Framework allows you to add connections to data sources. In our app, we'll use a SQLite database to store our pizzas.

当前应用程序中硬编码的pizzas数据需要替换为数据库数据。Microsoft Entity Framework允许你向数据源添加连接。在我们的应用程序中,我们将使用SQLite数据库来存储pizzas。

In this exercise, you'll add packages to support our database functionality, connect our classes to a backend database, and add a helper class to pre-load data for the companies pizzas.


Add packages to support database access


1.In Visual Studio Code, select the Terminal menu, then select New Terminal.

在Visual Studio Code中,选择“终端”菜单,然后选择“新建终端”。

2.Run these commands to add the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ,Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite, and System.Net.Http.Json packages.



dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite

dotnet add package System.Net.Http.Json


These commands add package references to your BlazingPizza.csproj file.




   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="6.0.0" />

   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite" Version="6.0.0" />

   <PackageReference Include="System.Net.Http.Json" Version="6.0.0" />



Add a database context and controller


1.In Visual Studio Code, select the File menu, then New File.

在Visual Studio Code中,选择“文件”菜单,然后选择“新建文件”。

2.For the language, select C#.


3.Enter this code for the class.



using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace BlazingPizza


 public class PizzaStoreContext : DbContext


   public PizzaStoreContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)



   public DbSet<PizzaSpecial> Specials { get; set; }




This class creates a database context we can use to register a database service. The context will also allow us to have a controller that will access the database.


4.Press CTRL+S, then in the Save As dialog, for File name enter PizzaStoreContext.cs, and then select Save.


5.Select the File menu, then New File.


6.For the language, select C#.


7.Enter this code for the class.



using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace BlazingPizza




   public class SpecialsController : Controller


       private readonly PizzaStoreContext _db;

       public SpecialsController(PizzaStoreContext db)


           _db = db;



       public async Task<ActionResult<List<PizzaSpecial>>> GetSpecials()


           return (await _db.Specials.ToListAsync()).OrderByDescending(s => s.BasePrice).ToList();





This class creates a controller that will allow us to query the database for pizza specials and return them as JSON at the http://localhost:5000/specials url.

这个类创建了一个控制器,允许我们查询数据库中的Specials,并在http://localhost:5000/specials 中以JSON形式返回Specials。

8.Press CTRL+S. In the Save As dialog, for File name enter SpecialsController.cs, and then select Save.


Load data into the database


The app will check to see if there's an existing SQLite database, and create one with some pre-made pizzas.


1.Select the File menu, then New File.


2.For the language, select C#.


3.Enter this code for the class.



namespace BlazingPizza


   public static class SeedData


       public static void Initialize(PizzaStoreContext db)


           var specials = new PizzaSpecial[]


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Name = "Basic Cheese Pizza",

                   Description = "It's cheesy and delicious. Why wouldn't you want one?",

                   BasePrice = 9.99m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/cheese.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 2,

                   Name = "The Baconatorizor",

                   Description = "It has EVERY kind of bacon",

                   BasePrice = 11.99m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/bacon.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 3,

                   Name = "Classic pepperoni",

                   Description = "It's the pizza you grew up with, but Blazing hot!",

                   BasePrice = 10.50m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/pepperoni.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 4,

                   Name = "Buffalo chicken",

                   Description = "Spicy chicken, hot sauce and bleu cheese, guaranteed to warm you up",

                   BasePrice = 12.75m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/meaty.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 5,

                   Name = "Mushroom Lovers",

                   Description = "It has mushrooms. Isn't that obvious?",

                   BasePrice = 11.00m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/mushroom.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 7,

                   Name = "Veggie Delight",

                   Description = "It's like salad, but on a pizza",

                   BasePrice = 11.50m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/salad.jpg",


               new PizzaSpecial()


                   Id = 8,

                   Name = "Margherita",

                   Description = "Traditional Italian pizza with tomatoes and basil",

                   BasePrice = 9.99m,

                   ImageUrl = "img/pizzas/margherita.jpg",









The class uses a passed database context, creates some PizzaSpecial objects in an array, and then saves them.


4.Press CTRL+S. In the Save As dialog, for File name enter SeedData.cs, then select Save.


5.In the explorer, select Program.cs.


6.At the top, add a reference to a new package.



using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;


This statement allows the app to use dependency injection to register new services.


7.Insert this segment just above the app.Run(); method:




// Initialize the database

var scopeFactory = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>();

using (var scope = scopeFactory.CreateScope())


   var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<PizzaStoreContext>();

   if (db.Database.EnsureCreated())







This change creates a database scope with the PizzaStoreContext and, if there isn't a database already created, calls the SeedData static class to create one.


At the moment, the app won't work, as we haven't initialized the PizzaStoreContext. This code should be added to Startup.cs.


8.In the Add Services to the container section higher in the Program.cs file, add this code under the current services:




builder.services.AddDbContext<PizzaStoreContext>(options =>

     options.UseSqlite("Data Source=pizza.db"));


This code registers two services. The first AddHttpClient statement will allow the app to access HTTP commands, the app will use an HttpClient to get the JSON for pizza specials. The second registers the new PizzaStoreContext and provides the filename for the SQLite database.


9.Visual Studio Code will highlight UseSqlite as an error, so you must add a reference to the EntityFrameworkCore package. At the top of the file, under the existing using block add:

如果你不添加EntityFrameworkCore包的引用,Visual Studio Code将高亮显示UseSqlite错误。因此必须在文件顶部的“现有using块”下添加引用:


using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;


Use the database to display pizzas


We can now replace the hard-coded pizza in the index.razor page.


1.In the explorer, select Index.razor.


2.Replace the existing OnInitialized() method with:



protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()


   specials = await HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<PizzaSpecial>>(NavigationManager.BaseUri + "specials");




This code has replaced OnInitialized() with OnInitializedAsync(). Specials are now going to be returned as JSON from the app asynchronously.


3.There are some errors that need fixing. Add these @inject statements under the @page directive.

这里又出现了一些错误需要修复。在 @page 指令下添加这些 @inject 语句。


@inject HttpClient HttpClient

@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager


4.To fix the last error, we need to make the app aware of GetFromJsonAsync.


5.In the explorer, select _Imports.razor.

在资源管理器中,选择 _Imports.razor。

6.Add this new @using statement at the bottom.



@using System.Net.Http.Json


7.Press F5 or select Run and then Start Debugging.There's a runtime error when running the app. The JsonReader raised an exception.


8.Remember that the app should be creating JSON at http://localhost:5000/specials. Navigate to that URL.


9.The app doesn't know how to route this request. You will learn about routing in the module on Blazor routing. Let's fix the error now.


10.Press Shift + F5, or select Stop Debugging.


11.In the explorer, select Program.cs.


12.Near the bottom of the file, after the Configure the HTTP request pipeline comment and the app.UseEndpoints block add this endpoint:



app.MapControllerRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


The code should now be:







app.MapControllerRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


13.Press F5 or select Run and then Start Debugging.


14.The app should now work, but let's check that the JSON is being created correctly.


15.Navigate to http://localhost:5000/specials to see:

导航到http://localhost:5000/specials 会看到下图


The JSON has the pizzas listed in price descending order as specified in the special pizza controller.



第六节 Share data in Blazor applications(在Blazor应用程序中共享数据)

Blazor includes several ways to share information between components. You can use component parameters or cascading parameters to send values from a parent component to a child component. The AppState pattern is another approach you can use to store values and access them from any component in the application.


Suppose you're working on the new pizza delivery website. Multiple pizzas should be displayed on the home page in the same way. You'd like to display the pizzas by rendering a child component for each pizza. Now, you want to pass an ID to that child component that determines the pizza it will display. You also want to store and display a value on multiple components that shows the total number of pizzas you've sold today.


In this unit, you'll learn three different techniques you can use to share values between two or more Blazor components.


Share information with other components by using component parameters


In a Blazor web app, each component renders a portion of HTML. Some components render a complete page but others render smaller fragments of markup, such as a table, a form, or a single control. If your component renders only a section of markup, you must use it as a child component within a parent component. Your child component can also be parent to other, smaller components that render within it. Child components are also known as nested components.

在Blazor web应用程序中,每个组件都呈现HTML的一部分。有些组件呈现一个完整的页面,但另一些组件则呈现较小的标记片段,如表、表单或单个控件。如果组件只呈现一部分标记,则必须将其用作父组件中的子组件。子组件也可以是在其中呈现的其他较小组件的父组件。子组件也被称为嵌套组件。

In this hierarchy of parent and child components, you can share information between them by using component parameters. Define these parameters on child components, then set their values in the parent. For example, if you have a child component that displays pizza photos, you could use a component parameter to pass the pizza ID. The child component looks up the pizza from the ID and obtains pictures and other data. If you want to display many different pizzas, you can use this child component multiple times on the same parent page, passing a different ID to each child.

在父组件和子组件的这个层次结构中,你可以通过使用组件参数在它们之间共享信息。在子组件上定义这些参数,然后在父组件中设置其值。例如,如果你有一个显示pizza照片的子组件,则可以使用组件参数来传递pizza ID。子组件通过ID查找pizza,并获取图片和其他数据。如果你想呈现许多不同的pizza,您可以在同一父页面上多次使用这个子组件,并向每个子组件传递一个不同的ID。

Start by defining the component parameter in the child component. You define it as a C# public property and decorate it with the [Parameter] attribute:



<h2>New Pizza: @PizzaName</h2>


@code {


public string PizzaName { get; set; }


public string PizzaDescription { get; set; } = "The best pizza you've ever tasted."



Notice that, because the component parameters are members of the child component, you can render them in your HTML by using Blazor's reserved @ symbol, followed by their name. Also, the above code specifies a default value for the PizzaDescription parameter. This value will be rendered if the parent component doesn't pass a value. Otherwise, it will be overridden by the value passed from the parent.


You can also use custom classes in your project as component parameters. Consider this class that describes a topping:



public class PizzaTopping


public string Name { get; set; }

public string Ingredients { get; set; }


In the parent component, set parameter values by using attributes of the child component's tags. Set simple components directly. With a parameter based on a custom class, use inline C# code to create a new instance of that class and set its values:



@page "/pizzas-toppings"

<h1>Our Latest Pizzas and Topping</h1>

<Pizza PizzaName="Hawaiian" PizzaDescription="The one with pineapple" />

<PizzaTopping Topping="@(new PizzaTopping() { Name = "Chilli Sauce", Ingredients = "Three kinds of chilli." })" />


Share information by using cascading parameters


Component parameters work well when you want to pass a value to the immediate child of a component. However, things become awkward when you have a deep hierarchy with children of children and so on. Component parameters are not automatically passed to grandchild components from ancestor components or further down the hierarchy. To handle this problem elegantly, Blazor includes cascading parameters. When you set the value of a cascading parameter in a component, its value is automatically available to all descendant components to any depth.


In the parent component, use the <CascadingValue> tag to specify the information that will cascade to all descendants. This tag is implemented as a built-in Blazor component. Any component that is rendered within that tag will be able to access the value.



@page "/specialoffers"

<h1>Special Offers</h1>

<CascadingValue Name="DealName" Value="Throwback Thursday">

<!-- Any descendant component rendered here will be able to access the cascading value.




In the descendant components, you can access the cascading value by using component members and decorating them with the [CascadingParameter] attribute.

在后代组件中,你可以使用[CascadingParameter] 属性装饰组件成员来访问级联值。


<h2>Deal: @DealName</h2>

@code {


private string DealName { get; set; }



So this in example, the <h2> tag will have the content Deal: Throwback Thursday because that cascading value was set by an ancestor component.

所以在这个例子中,<h2>标签将包含内容 Deal: Throwback Thursday ,因为该级联值是由一个父组件设置的。


As for component parameters, you can pass objects as cascading parameters if you have more complex requirements.


In the above example, the cascading value is identified by the Name attribute in the parent, matched to the Name value in the [CascadingParameter] attribute. You can optionally omit these names, in which case the attributes will be matched by type. This works well when you only have one parameter of that type. If you want to cascade two different string values, you must use parameter names to avoid any ambiguity.


Share information by using AppState


Another approach to sharing information between different components is to use the AppState pattern. You create a class that defines the properties you want to store and the register it as a scoped service. In any component where you want to set or use the AppState values, you inject the service and then you can access its properties. Unlike component parameters and cascading parameters, values in AppState are available to all components in the application, even components that are not children of the component that stored the value.


As an example, let's create a class that stores a value about sales:



public class PizzaSalesState


public int PizzasSoldToday { get; set; }



Now, add the class as a scoped service, in the Program.cs file:



...// Add services to the container



// Add the AppState class



Now, in any component where you want to set or retrieve AppState values, inject the class and then access properties:



@page "/"

@inject PizzaSalesState SalesState

<h1>Welcome to Blazing Pizzas</h1>

<p>Today, we've sold this many pizzas: @SalesState.PizzasSoldToday</p>

<button @onclick="IncrementSales">Buy a Pizza</button>

@code {

private void IncrementSales()







This code implements a counter that increments when the user clicks a button, much like the example in the Blazor Tutorial - Build your first Blazor app. The difference is that in this case, because we've stored the counter's value in an AppState scoped service, the count persists across page loads and can be seen by other users.


Check your knowledge

1. Blazor components can receive input using two types of Parameters, what are they?

A.Parameter and DescendingParameter

B.Parameter and RequiredParameter

C.Parameter and CascadingParameter

2. AppState can be registered with the service locator using which of these statements?




答案:1( C ) , 2( C )

第七节Exercise - Share data in Blazor applications(练习-在Blazor应用程序中共享数据)

Now that the app is connected to a database it's time to add the ability to order and configure a customer's pizza.


Blazing Pizza would like you to build the ability for customers to change the size of their special pizzas. You need to store the order, and you've chosen to store the application state in a container service.

Blazing Pizza希望你建立可以让顾客改变他们的special pizzas尺寸的功能。你需要存储订单,并且你已选择在容器服务中存储应用程序状态。

In this exercise you'll pass data to a new order configuration component, and see how to store the app's state in an OrderState scoped service.


Add a new order configuration dialog


1.In Visual Studio Code, right-click on the Shared folder, and select New File.

在VisualStudio Code中,右键单击Shared文件夹,然后选择“新建文件”。

2.Enter ConfigurePizzaDialog.razor as the filename.


3.Enter this code for the UI of the new ordering component.



@inject HttpClient HttpClient

<div class="dialog-container">

   <div class="dialog">

       <div class="dialog-title">




       <form class="dialog-body">



               <input type="range" min="@Pizza.MinimumSize" max="@Pizza.MaximumSize" step="1" />

               <span class="size-label">

                   @(Pizza.Size)" (£@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice()))




       <div class="dialog-buttons">

           <button class="btn btn-secondary mr-auto" >Cancel</button>

           <span class="mr-center">

               Price: <span class="price">@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice())</span>


           <button class="btn btn-success ml-auto" >Order ></button>





This component is a dialog that shows the selected special pizza and allows the customer to select the pizza size.

此组件是一个对话框,其中显示所选的special pizza,并允许客户选择pizza的尺寸。

The component needs a special pizza from the index page component to access a pizza's member values.

该组件需要 index页面组件中的一个special pizza才能访问pizza的成员值。

4.Add the Blazor @code block to allow parameters to be passed into the component.

添加Blazor @code,以允许将参数传递到组件中。


@code {

[Parameter] public Pizza Pizza { get; set; }


When a customer selects a pizza the dialog should allow them to change the size of their pizza. Let's enhance the index.razor control to add this interactivity.


1.In the explorer, expand Pages and then select Index.razor.


2.Add this code under in the @code block under the List<PizzaSpecial> variable.

在@code块 List<PizzaSpecial>变量的下面添加代码。


  Pizza configuringPizza;

  bool showingConfigureDialog;


3.Add code to create a pizza under the OnInitializedAsync() method.



   void ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(PizzaSpecial special)


       configuringPizza = new Pizza()


           Special = special,

           SpecialId = special.Id,

           Size = Pizza.DefaultSize


       showingConfigureDialog = true;



4.Allow the webpage to call the server-side ShowConfigurePizzaDialog method by allowing customers to select a pizzas <li> tag. Replace the <li> line with this code:



<li @onclick="@(() => ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(special))" style="background-image: url('@special.ImageUrl')">


When a customer selects a pizza, the server executes the ShowConfigurePizzaDialog method that creates a pizza with the special pizza data and sets the showingConfigureDialog variable to true.

当客户选择pizza时,服务器将执行ShowConfigurePizzaDialog方法,该方法使用special pizza数据创建pizza然后把ShowConfigurePizzaDialog变量设置为true。

5.The page needs a way to display the new ConfigurePizzaDialog component. Add this code just above the @code block:



@if (showingConfigureDialog){

   <ConfigurePizzaDialog Pizza="configuringPizza" />}


The whole index.razor file should now look like this:



   @page "/"

   @inject HttpClient HttpClient

   @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

   <div class="main">

     <h1>Blazing Pizzas</h1>

     <ul class="pizza-cards">

       @if (specials != null)


         @foreach (var special in specials)


           <li @onclick="@(() => ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(special))" style="background-image: url('@special.ImageUrl')">

             <div class="pizza-info">

             <span class="title">@special.Name</span>


             <span class="price">@special.GetFormattedBasePrice()</span>







   @if (showingConfigureDialog)


       <ConfigurePizzaDialog Pizza="configuringPizza" />


   @code {

     List<PizzaSpecial> specials = new();

     Pizza configuringPizza;

     bool showingConfigureDialog;

     protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()


         specials = await HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<PizzaSpecial>>(NavigationManager.BaseUri + "specials");


     void ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(PizzaSpecial special)


         configuringPizza = new Pizza()


             Special = special,

             SpecialId = special.Id,

             Size = Pizza.DefaultSize


         showingConfigureDialog = true;




6.Press F5 or select Run and then Start Debugging.


7.Select a pizza and watch the new dialog appear.



Handle the state of an order


At the moment, the app shows the configuration dialog but doesn't allow you to cancel or move on to ordering the pizza. To manage the state of the order, you'll add a new order state container service.


1.Select the File menu, then New File.


2.For the language, select C#.


3.Enter this code for the class.



using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace BlazingPizza


   public class OrderState


       public bool ShowingConfigureDialog { get; private set; }

       public Pizza ConfiguringPizza { get; private set; }

       public Order Order { get; private set; } = new Order();

       public void ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(PizzaSpecial special)


           ConfiguringPizza = new Pizza()


               Special = special,

               SpecialId = special.Id,

               Size = Pizza.DefaultSize,

               Toppings = new List<PizzaTopping>(),


           ShowingConfigureDialog = true;


       public void CancelConfigurePizzaDialog()


           ConfiguringPizza = null;

           ShowingConfigureDialog = false;


       public void ConfirmConfigurePizzaDialog()



           ConfiguringPizza = null;

           ShowingConfigureDialog = false;





You'll see that there's a lot of code currently in the index.razor component that we can move into the new class. The next step is to make this service available in the app.


4.Press CTRL+S. In the Save As dialog, for File name enter OrderState.cs, then select Save.


5.In the explorer, select Program.cs

在资源管理器中,选择 Program.cs。

6.In the Add services to the container segment, add this line at the bottom.





From the previous exercise, we added our database context here. This code adds the new OrderState service. With this in place, we can now use it in the index.razor component.


7.In the explorer, expand Pages and then select Index.razor.


8.At the top of the file, under the NavigationManager, add this code:



@inject OrderState OrderState


Now you can delete all the code that is in the order state. The @code block should look like this.



@code {

 List<PizzaSpecial> specials = new List<PizzaSpecial>();

 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()


     specials = await HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<PizzaSpecial>>(NavigationManager.BaseUri + "specials");




There are now errors where all the code references what's been deleted.

现在有一些 now errors,因为所有代码都引用了已删除的内容。

9.Change the call to ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(special)) to use the OrderState version:



<li @onclick="@(() => OrderState.ShowConfigurePizzaDialog(special))" style="background-image: url('@special.ImageUrl')">


10.Change the reference to the boolean showingConfigureDialog:

更改对boolean showingConfigureDialog的引用:


<ConfigurePizzaDialog Pizza="OrderState.ConfiguringPizza" />


12.Press F5 or select Run and then Start Debugging.


Cancel and make pizza orders


You may have noticed in the OrderState class two methods that we haven't used yet. CancelConfigurePizzaDialog and ConfirmConfigurePizzaDialog will close the dialog and add the pizza to an Order object if the customer has confirmed the order. Let's connect these methods to the configuration dialog buttons.


1.In the explorer, expand Shared and then select ConfigurePizzaDialog.razor.

在资源管理器中,展开 Shared文件夹,然后选择ConfigurePizzaDialog.razor。

2.In the @code block add two new parameters:



 @code {

   [Parameter] public Pizza Pizza { get; set; }

   [Parameter] public EventCallback OnCancel { get; set; }

   [Parameter] public EventCallback OnConfirm { get; set; }



3.The buttons can now have @onclick directives added. Change the current code for the dialog buttons to this markup:



 <div class="dialog-buttons">

     <button class="btn btn-secondary mr-auto" @onclick="OnCancel">Cancel</button>

     <span class="mr-center">

         Price: <span class="price">@(Pizza.GetFormattedTotalPrice())</span>


     <button class="btn btn-success ml-auto" @onclick="OnConfirm">Order ></button>



4.The last step is to pass our OrderState methods for canceling and confirming orders. In the explorer, expand Pages and then select Index.razor.






     OnConfirm="OrderState.ConfirmConfigurePizzaDialog" />


6.Press F5 or select Run and then Start Debugging.


The app should now let customers cancel or add a configured pizza to an order. We have no way to show the current order or update the prices when the pizza size is changed. We'll add these features in the next exercise.
